Is It Bad For Your Wellness?

Insulation is meant to live securely placed betwixt the walls of your dwelling, away from all possible sources of wet. Unfortunately, things don’t e'er go to plan. Leaky roofs, ground wet, in addition to plumbing leaks are just a few causes of wet insulation.

Wet insulation is non only less effective (or even completely ineffective), but it too poses a number of directly too indirect health risks.

Wet insulation is harmful to wellness. It may harbor unsafe levels of mold as well as bacteria. Off-gassing of formaldehyde tin can drive respiratory irritation. Animals are attracted to the warm, moist surroundings together with tin can spread infectious diseases to inhabitants.

Direct Impact on Health


We are surrounded by bacteria all the fourth dimension, as well as this isn’t necessarily a bad affair. Some bacteria are helpful to our bodies. However, moisture insulation may harbor harmful bacteria that tin atomic number 82 to illness.

The ideal breeding grounds for bacteria include nutrients together with moisture. When insulation becomes moist, bacteria beginning to grow exponentially faster than they would on dry out insulation.

Any small colonies that were found on the insulation before it got moisture now have the take chances to grow rapidly. These bacteria may not have been a wellness chance when establish inward modest quantities, but larger quantities tin can overwhelm your immune organisation.

The most abundant bacteria families institute inward homes include Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, together with Corynebacteria families. If these bacteria are allowed to grow unchecked, they tin lead to life-threatening diseases in just about cases. 

The most abundant bacteria families found in homes, streptococcus,  staphylococcus and corynebacteria

MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a strain of Staphylococcus bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. It is increasingly beingness found in homes as well as tin movement painful skin abscesses.

Group A Streptococcus is a bacteria that is found inward the nose as well as pharynx, often without whatever adverse symptoms. However, if this bacteria is allowed to breed large colonies on moisture insulation, it tin crusade illnesses such as strep throat, impetigo (skin infection), pneumonia, as well as toxic daze syndrome.


In improver to bacteria, mold may get a wellness issue if your family has wet insulation

Mold grows when its spores are released through the air together with land inwards environments alongside suitable weather. Mold spores tin be introduced to your dwelling by being carried in on shoes, clothes, pets, etc. 

Once mold spores move into your dwelling, in that location are many places that are suitable for mold increment. Mold prefers dark, moist, as well as warm environments with suitable nutrients. 

Unfortunately for us too our homes, mold tin derive nutrients from building materials such as woods, cardboard, rug, ceiling tiles, and, y'all guessed it, insulation. Once insulation in enclosed walls gets moisture, it’s entirely a matter of fourth dimension earlier mold increment starts.

Some of the well-nigh mutual mold varieties establish in homes include Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, too Stachybotrys. You may not know these molds past their scientific advert, simply perchance the term “black mold” rings a bell.

Although common, mold varieties such equally Stachybotrys are cause for business when plant in your home. They can drive symptoms such equally heart irritation, respiratory distress, adverse pulmonary effects, and congestion.

In extreme cases, mold sickness can even atomic number 82 to retentivity loss in addition to secondary illnesses, such as pneumonia.

Since insulation is enclosed in your walls, yous may not be able to encounter the mold before yous first experiencing symptoms. It is important to prevent moisture from entering your insulation before together with afterwards it is installed inward your habitation. 


Even without mold or bacteria, wet insulation tin can live harmful on its own through the procedure of off-gassing. 

Off-gassing occurs when a product deteriorates too begins to liberate dissolved chemicals into the air. 

Fiberglass, mineral, in addition to wool insulation oftentimes incorporate formaldehyde to assistance bind the insulation fibers together. When formaldehyde gets moisture, it begins to off-gas.

Off-Gassing due to wet insulation and fiberglass, mineral, and wool insulation containing formaldehyde

Formaldehyde gas is corrosive. It tin can deteriorate metal studs, wall ties, as well as roof fasteners, which compromises the integrity of your dwelling house.

The wellness risks of formaldehyde gas is another major business concern. It is a known carcinogen, too moisture insulation tin can unloose formaldehyde at a rate of 32 PPM. This concentration of formaldehyde can drive the following symptoms:

  • Watery, burning eyes 

  • Nausea   

  • Skin irritation                                                                                                               

  • Upper Respiratory Irritation                                                                                      

  • Lower airway together with pulmonary effects

Urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) has been used since the 1950s. Since nosotros straight off know more most the harmful effects of formaldehyde, nearly modern spray foam insulation products make non incorporate this chemical anymore.

However, if y'all were non the one to install the insulation, you lot may not know for sure whether or not the insulation contains formaldehyde. And even if the insulation inwards your home does not contain this chemic, it must not go wet to preclude mold and bacteria increase.

Indirect Risk to Health

The health risks associated with moisture insulation don’t finish at that place. The related consequences of moisture insulation can create even more than health risks.

Critters love the warm, moist environs created past wet insulation. Animals volition probable move into through the same opening that H2O entered the insulation, and then the type of fauna that nests within depends on the size of the opening.

Dirty mineral wool insulation in the attic

The about mutual animals to nest in insulation in addition to their related wellness risks include the next: 

  • Birds as well as bats: People who inhale fecal thing from birds together with bats may contract histoplasmosis, an incurable respiratory affliction characterized past flu-similar symptoms.

  • Raccoons: Raccoons tin conduct infectious diseases such as rabies. Their feces is oftentimes infected alongside a roundworm known every bit Baylisascaris. If inhaled, the roundworm eggs tin can campaign irreversible harm to the brain, centre, too eyes.

  • Squirrels: Squirrels comport diseases such equally ringworm, Lyme Disease, and rabies.

  • Insects: Feces, saliva, too body parts from cockroaches can aggravate asthma as well as allergies. Pests too conduct nutrient contamination illnesses.

These animals are oftentimes infected amongst ticks, fleas, and bedbugs. Once brought into the habitation, these parasites may await for new hosts, such equally pets too people.

If animals give-up the ghost inward the insulation, they will non entirely odor terrible but too may liberate harmful gasses every bit they decompose. The corpses attract even more than pests such as flies together with fleas.

There are likewise other risks also every bit smells as well as loss of efficiency associated alongside moisture insulation.

One Possible Benefit

Wet insulation is clearly bad for your wellness, inwards add-on to being useless at actually insulating your habitation (sometimes y'all can dry it in addition to reuse it). 

However, if you are handling one-time insulation that needs to live replaced, you may reckon wetting the surface of the insulation so that it is less likely to liberate dust particles in addition to fabric fibers such as fiberglass into the air.

These particles tin can trigger allergic reactions. Wetting the insulation inwards this case may be the lesser of two evils for yous as it will limit the possibility of allergic reactions.

You must go on in heed the off-gassing of formaldehyde, merely if y'all are exclusively about the insulation for a short menstruum of fourth dimension this is non a large business organization.

Sources :text=When%20mold%20spores%20drop%20on,that%20encourage%20mold%20to%20grow.,_Plasters_and_Wallpaper_in_the_Built_Environment#: :text=Several%20microbes%20have%20been%20identified,spp.%2C%20and%20Ulocladium%20spp. well as-hygiene


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